Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 2014 Meeting of Rachel's Blanket Ministry

Broach, Marge, Debbie, Shelia, Sandy at the September 2014 meeting
This month Broach made quilted Angel Blankets for the WellStar project.    Shelia was new to the group but already jumping in to get the military cap pattern to make skull caps for the Military project.   This month we saw a great need for prayer shawls in our congregation after the deaths of several members.   The team was able to meet this need for the Stephen's Ministry project.   Jimmie Lou continues to be the star in making baby blankets each month.   Marge, Bev, Debbie, Janet and Sandy all had items to contribute to projects this month.   Thanks to Bev for making the baby blanket for Maggie's shower.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Rachel's Blankets Ministry Update



Rachel’s Blanket ministry is about more than blankets.    There is a team of women who are faithfully using their talents to bless people in our community and around the world.   Whether you crochet, knit, quilt, etc. there is a place for your talent.    Here is a sample of what Rachel’s Blanket Ministry has been doing this year.

·         Baby Blankets for the Pregnancy Resource Center

·         Angel Blankets for Well Star Hospital

·         Baby Blankets for new babies in our church family

·         Prayer shawls and lap blankets for Stephen’s Ministry

·         Scarves & Caps for Burnett Elementary School

·         Military Skull Caps and Goodie Boxes for military family and friends serving abroad

·         Scarves sold and money donated to support two missionaries in Africa

This ministry has touched hundreds of people.   Each item is prayerfully made.   We are please to not only have DFUMC women as members but many of our church family have mothers and grandmothers who make items.   

How can you help?

·         Pray for the ministry members and the people who receive each item that is made.

·         Donate to Rachel’s Blanket Ministry your left over yarn.

·         Donate money to Rachel’s Blankets Ministry for postage and purchase of goodies to mail with military skull caps.

·         Join the group and make a scarf, cap, blanket, shawl, etc.

Contact Janet Deal  for more information or follow us on