Broach, Beverly and Shelia from Rachel's Blanket Ministry
The year has flown by!! Rachel's Blanket Ministry was busy this year. We added more projects and members. Some of the activities of the group in 2014 included the following.
- Baby Blankets - Blankets are made and donated to the Douglasville Pregnancy Resource Center. The blankets go in their "store" and women participating in the program can purchase the blankets with "points" they earn by participating in the program.
- DFUMC Baby Blankets - Blanket as made and given to each new baby born in the DFUMC family. This year we also included "grandbabies" of members. Two of our own members had their first grandbaby and blankets were given to Beverly and Sandy for their new grandchildren.
- Angel Blankets - Blankets are made for Wellstar Hospital in Douglasville, GA. These blankets have a special mission because they are use for infants of fetal demise. A tragic but important ministry.
- Scarves and Caps for Burnett Elememtary School - Scarves and Caps are made for the clothes closet at Burnett Elementary School. DFUMC has adopted this school and this project is one of many that support the teachers and children of the school.
- Scarves and Caps for Department of Family and Children Services - This project is new for 2014. Rachel's Blankets partnered with DFUMC Women's Missionary Union to provide scarves and caps for children that come for services.
- Military Skull Caps - Each year in November military skull caps and goodies are sent to service men and women of DFUMC family and friends. A special dedication service is held in November and veterans in the congregation participate in the pray and dedication.
- Prayer Shawls - Prayer shawls and lap blankets are made for DFUMC Stephen's Ministry. The blankets are given to people experiencing illness, grief and or hardship.
Throughout the year, the blankets, shawls, caps and scarves are dedicated in the three services at DFUMC. All members donated the materials, time and talent to make these beautiful items. The team's influence has been felt around the world and has touched many lives.